1 00:00:03,490 --> 00:00:05,601 We had a lot of buried airplanes . We 2 00:00:05,601 --> 00:00:07,768 had literally 15 people out there with 3 00:00:07,768 --> 00:00:09,850 shovels and tractors and plows and 4 00:00:10,130 --> 00:00:12,352 everyone on deck was working . Everyone 5 00:00:12,352 --> 00:00:14,186 was busy getting those airplanes 6 00:00:14,186 --> 00:00:13,859 unburied . 7 00:00:18,629 --> 00:00:21,799 I was very impressed to 8 00:00:21,809 --> 00:00:25,559 see everyone here and everyone just 9 00:00:25,569 --> 00:00:28,100 ready to go . Everyone was calm , 10 00:00:28,139 --> 00:00:31,049 everyone was focused and they were 11 00:00:31,059 --> 00:00:34,810 getting it done . The 12 00:00:34,819 --> 00:00:36,930 mob that took place on Tuesday really 13 00:00:36,930 --> 00:00:39,240 started about a year ago when we got an 14 00:00:39,250 --> 00:00:43,029 alert or from arc and that's basically 15 00:00:43,040 --> 00:00:45,096 our green light to start spinning up 16 00:00:45,096 --> 00:00:49,000 the wing . I've 17 00:00:49,009 --> 00:00:52,569 never since we started 18 00:00:52,979 --> 00:00:56,450 these named operations in 2003 . 19 00:00:56,869 --> 00:00:58,980 I've never seen one go as smoothly as 20 00:00:58,980 --> 00:00:59,980 this one . 21 00:01:03,869 --> 00:01:06,091 It's a badge of honor to know that this 22 00:01:06,091 --> 00:01:08,202 little base here in Niagara Falls has 23 00:01:08,202 --> 00:01:10,536 such an impact at all ends of the earth . 24 00:01:10,536 --> 00:01:13,919 It's just to me that , you know , my 25 00:01:13,930 --> 00:01:16,152 family has always been super supportive 26 00:01:16,152 --> 00:01:18,374 and they're always super interested and 27 00:01:18,374 --> 00:01:20,809 been friends and they just see the 28 00:01:20,819 --> 00:01:22,875 looks on people's faces on when they 29 00:01:22,875 --> 00:01:26,029 hear what we're doing out here is very 30 00:01:26,040 --> 00:01:27,980 fulfilling . And I , I think that 31 00:01:27,989 --> 00:01:30,100 speaks to a lot of their men out here 32 00:01:34,959 --> 00:01:37,181 at the end of the day I , I still see , 33 00:01:37,181 --> 00:01:39,348 you know , for me personally and , and 34 00:01:39,348 --> 00:01:41,126 within the squadron that , that 35 00:01:41,126 --> 00:01:43,126 everyone kind of has that source of 36 00:01:43,126 --> 00:01:47,040 pride . Even when 37 00:01:47,050 --> 00:01:50,589 it's the going gets tough trying to 38 00:01:50,599 --> 00:01:53,239 balance a civilian career and a family 39 00:01:53,519 --> 00:01:57,069 and our military jobs . It's never 40 00:01:57,080 --> 00:02:00,860 easy . But I think it's that desire 41 00:02:01,129 --> 00:02:04,300 to continue to serve and to do it on a 42 00:02:04,309 --> 00:02:06,531 local level . I think that's what keeps 43 00:02:06,531 --> 00:02:07,531 us going . 44 00:02:11,179 --> 00:02:13,639 Luck is where opportunity meets 45 00:02:13,649 --> 00:02:17,199 preparation . So never be in a 46 00:02:17,210 --> 00:02:19,432 situation where you have to get ready . 47 00:02:20,580 --> 00:02:22,747 So being ready means you don't have to 48 00:02:22,747 --> 00:02:24,110 get ready , be ready . 49 00:02:32,889 --> 00:02:35,000 That is what that is , what readiness 50 00:02:35,000 --> 00:02:36,833 means to me . Readiness is not a 51 00:02:36,833 --> 00:02:38,919 checklist . Readiness is an 52 00:02:38,929 --> 00:02:39,690 understanding .