914th personnel train for EMT recertification

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Steph Sawyer
  • 914th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs

On January 10, 2018, members of the 914th Aeromedical Staging Squadron collaborated with the base Fire Department and EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal) to stage an exercise that would allow medics the opportunity to apply their skills in a simulated and supervised scenario.

The training provided hands-on experience practicing medical techniques. Participants were given critique and feedback on their performance. Procedures performed included medical and trauma assessment, psychiatric behavioral takedowns, OB delivery, use of a tourniquet, and bandaging.

The assessment and feedback provided throughout the training process gave medical technicians the opportunity to target and focus on the perfection of specific skills, increasing proficiency and readiness.

The training covered 16 new skill sets and 30 topics over a five day span and qualified participants for EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) recertification.

The simulations were played out with four to five victims per scenario. ASTS personnel had one minute to assess patients and work to mitigate problems by putting life-saving procedures in place. Each participant was individually graded on their performance.

Tech. Sgt. Jennifer McKendry, 914 ASTS Aerospace Medical Technician, is the lead instructor of the EMT program here. She feels that the training was successful in preparing Aerospace Medical Technicians specializing in field medicine and nursing, for performance in real world scenarios.

“I thought it was very beneficial for the people going through. It was very realistic. It helped them acclimate as to how they were actually supposed to apply the skills we were teaching them, because it’s all new curriculum,” said McKendry.

The training is reoccurring, as these medical technicians are required to recertify every two years. The intention behind it is to keep personnel fresh and ready to perform their jobs in an uncontrolled, real-world situation.